91 266 00 57

Needs to rent your home?

You have made an excellent decision by renting your property with us.

Do you want to ensure that your property is rented quickly and at a good price? We can help you. At De Salas, we have a team of property rental experts who will work tirelessly to ensure your property is seen by the right tenants and find the perfect tenant. Don't worry about anything else, we take care of everything.

Contact us today to learn more and begin the process of renting your property.

With De Salas you will benefit from the following services:

  • A personalized and close service to our clients, adapting to their daily agenda and needs.
  • Highly prepared commercial team with extensive experience in the sector and in operations of luxury home rental.
  • Continuous advice helping our clients make the right decisions in their operations. rental of homes.
  • Total transparency and legal security in all the procedures carried out throughout the rental process, complying at all times with the principle of truthfulness in advertising and offers.

At De Salas we offer an exceptional service with total dedication to our clients through highly qualified staff, who have contributed to offering a home rental service, in the most exclusive and prestigious areas of Madrid, within the Spanish real estate sector.

Get it right with De Salas and leave your home in good hands.


Our team will be happy to help you